
What skills do I need to be successful in an online course? 

学生 taking online classes have a greater responsibility for their own success than students in traditional classroom settings. 一个成功的在线学习者是一个……

  • Is self-motivated to log in regularly, find details about assignments and seek out help when needed.
  • Is self-disciplined and able to work on a flexible schedule without getting behind. 
  • 能在每门课上投入足够的时间吗. Online classes require at least as much time as traditional classes, and often more. A typical three-credit online course can easily require nine to 12 hours per week.
  • 擅长阅读和写作吗. Online classes require more reading and writing than traditional, on-campus classes.
  • Has good computer skills and is comfortable sending and receiving email, 浏览网页和使用电脑软件.
  • Has convenient, dependable access to a computer that meets the technical requirements listed below.

What computer hardware and software do I need to take an online course?


  • A laptop or desktop computer (PC or Mac*) running Windows version 7 or higher or Apple Mac OS 10.6或以上,并可高速上网
  • Outlook 365电子邮件帐户(由CCC提供)
  • A reasonably current web browser (火狐 or Chrome is recommended). 下载火狐或Chrome

平板电脑, 可以使用智能手机和其他移动设备, but not all features of the CCC site are guaranteed to work with these devices. Please make sure you have a computer with a Windows or Mac operating system available to complete your coursework. 

浏览器 最低版本 推荐版本
谷歌Chrome 30.0 最新的
Mozilla 火狐 25.0 最新的
苹果Safari 6 最新的
微软Internet Explorer浏览器 9 最新的

启用JavaScript和cookie. (如何启用 JavaScript 和饼干) 



Adobe Flash插件

Some classes may require additional software to be installed.

*Note to Mac users: Use the free 火狐 web browser instead of Safari. 



Online courses are time-consuming and you need to keep up with the reading and discussion boards. You should keep a calendar of due dates so you can plan your study time to have assignments completed on time.


Study the syllabus to understand the instructor’s testing format, grading system and expectations. If you do not understand an assignment or have technical problems, 马上联系你的教练.


If you don’t set aside a specific study time, chances are you will fall behind quickly. Select and use the same area if possible, away from distractions.


当你制定学习计划时, take into account your work and home schedules and plan for study times you will be able to complete. Remember the average time per week to spend on an online course is 10-12 hours. 如果你的学习计划有冲突, it is better to spend half an hour on your course than to plan for an hour or two and not work on it all.


Your brain takes in information faster and retains it better if you don’t try to overload it.


The majority of people work most efficiently during daylight hours. In most cases, one hour during the day is worth one-and-a-half hours at night. Decide what your best time is and try to schedule your study time accordingly. 当你保持警觉时,你会完成更多的工作. 如果你发现自己打瞌睡了,那就屈服吧. It's better to pick up at another time rather than try to get through everything when you can’t think straight. Tackle the toughest areas first, while you are most alert.


You'll accomplish more and do it faster if you set a specific goal for each study session. Don't worry if you don’t reach your set goal within your allotted study time. Either reschedule the task into your next study period or go back to it later in the day, if you can.


A little work on an assignment each day will allow you time to give attention to its quality. Your workload will be spread out so you will avoid doing it at the last minute.


回顾你的工作笔记, assignments and discussion boards – on a regular basis keeps you up to date and helps shorten the study time required for quizzes and exams.


The general rule of thumb is a 10-minute break for every 50 minutes you work. 不要利用休息时间学习. They rejuvenate you for your next hour of studying.


给 yourself a pat on the back also gives you an incentive to reach your goals.


Letting work pile up can leave you with an overwhelming task. It's easy to feel that you’ll never get on top of it again. If you find yourself falling behind, review your study and time management skills. If something unexpected happens in your life and affects your work on the course, contact the instructor and discuss it with him or her.